
Hello and Welcome everyone to the year 2013… Yes we survived! Contrary to the prediction of the Mayans, the world did not end in 2012 but instead has evolved to the beginning of a higher consciousness of humanity… As we wave goodbye to a year filled with calamities and usher in the new dawn it is time to take stock of your life and make your dreams realities…Honour this transformative time with positive, loving and healing thoughts because energy wise, what you believe you create! Makes sense don’t you think?

According to mythology the Snake often represented healing of the physical body while shifting to a more spiritual outlook. With quite determination, expect to move beyond past blockages this year. With a positive and good outlook we can move ahead and make this a very progressive year for growth on a spiritual level.

2012 was a very busy year and emotional year for me, as I was in a year five with lots of change and everything around me changing at a rapid pace. I opened a new office, began working for a wonderful promoter with stage shows, started working at psychic TV and finished writing and published my third book called “Spirits Whispering in my ear”. I also lost a few so called good friends but hey, that’s life and also part of my spiritual learning I signed up for so I am not perfect. When one door opens and old people go out, new people often come in. People often ask me how do I do it all this plus run a busy household with a family. I always tell them it is because I have always had a lot of energy and have learnt to channel this in a positive way. Ever since I can remember I have always been different and hyper-active so I have learnt by truly understanding myself a way to channel this in a positive way….Meditation, good healthy food and daily exercise have helped me focus and create my dreams. I also a hundred percent always listen to my intuition which is never wrong.  Our bodies are very similar to good Feng Sui in your life, healthy mind without clutter, healthy lifestyle with positive, clear energy. Also surrounding I with only positive, loving and inspirational people in my circle of friendships have helped my life profoundly. This year I hope to set more goals with my writing, which is coming along very nicely. Information is freedom and with my books and articles on the Paranormal and the Spirit World I like to educate and share with others spiritual teachings and experiences. At the moment I am working on two new books I plan to bring out in the New Year, so with a bit of focus and time management I may get this done I also want to do a bit of travel so let’s see what happens. My best wishes for everyone this year is “Live your Life to the Fullest with passion and enthusiasm. For anyone wanting to work on themselves on a deeper level, I have some wonderful free hypno- meditations that can be downloaded off my website for free. Enjoy and have a great year everyone!

For those of you that don’t know, you can also follow my events on face book.

Love and light, Kerrie Erwin. xx