Memoirs of a Suburban Medium
Kerrie Jean Erwin – A Child Discovers she is a psychic!
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Kerrie Erwin’s experiences gives us insight into another world – a world that has always been a mystery to the most of us.
When only a child, Kerrie discovers she is different and is thrown into a world of chaos. However, she gradually learns to work and trust in the gifts that were bestowed on her from the spirit world.
This incredible story reveals the ordeals and tragedies Kerrie encounters on a daily basis and how this has led to who she is today – a professional working medium.
Share with Kerrie the insights of her life and discover how she embraces her path of spiritual enlightenment – a trail of premonitions, phenomena, haunting and direct contact with loved ones who have passed over to the other side.
By reading this book you will gain in-depth knowledge, and understand how responsibility and humility are combined every day so Kerrie can help grieving families. She also used healing techniques as a tool so people can heal themselves as eternal souls.
By using her gift, Kerrie is able to help all types of people who come into her life by giving them spiritual insights, connecting them to their loved ones on the other side and teaching us that death is only a beginning.
Digital Copies of “Memoirs of a Suburban Medium”
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